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Resveratrol is a phytoalexin naturally produced when plants undergo attack by bacteria or fungi . It is largely found in the skin of red grapes and is also derived from Japanese knotweed and employed as a nutritional supplement.

Resveratrol has extensively been under the microscope by experts to learn its' effects on the lifespan of many organisms such as fruit flies , nematode worms and short-lived fish. When experimented with its intake in mice, they revealed a host of anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and blood-sugar-lowering properties. It also seemed to have many cardiovascular effects as well. The one effect of resveratrol which has really benefited the humans is its role in effectively lowering blood sugar levels during the treatment of diabetes.

Health Benefits :

Under in vitro conditions, resveratrol binds with a host of molecular targets prohibiting the cell growth in cases of malignancy related to breast, skin, gastric, colon, esophageal, prostate, and pancreas.

Resveratrol consumption has also been found to be effective against neuronal cell dysfunction as well as cell death. Studies have revealed that resveratrol is also effective in combating Huntington's and Alzheimer's disease s but results have not been completely verified.

Research at the Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine have indicated that resveratrol shows a direct inhibitory action on cardiac fibroblasts, inhibiting the progression of cardiac fibrosis in the body. It is also known to increase the natural testosterone production by being both a selective estrogen receptor modulator as well as an aromatase inhibitor .

References :

Bass TM, Weinkove D, Houthoofd K, Gems D, Partridge L. (2007). "Effects of resveratrol on lifespan in Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans ". Mechanisms of ageing and development 128 (10): 546–52. doi : 10.1016/j.mad.2007.07.007 . PMID   17875315 .

Elliott PJ, Jirousek, M. (2008). "Sirtuins: Novel targets for metabolic disease". Current Opinion in Investigational Drugs 9 (4): 1472–4472. PMID   18393104 .

Farina A, Ferranti C, Marra C (2006). "An improved synthesis of resveratrol". Nat. Prod. Res. 20 (3): 247–52. doi : 10.1080/14786410500059532 . PMID   16401555 .

Howitz KT, Bitterman KJ, Cohen HY, Lamming DW, Lavu S, Wood JG, Zipkin RE, Chung P, Kisielewski A, Zhang LL, Scherer B, Sinclair DA (2003). "Small molecule activators of sirtuins extend Saccharomyces cerevisiae lifespan" (PDF). Nature 425 (6954): 191–196. doi : 10.1038/nature01960 . PMID   12939617 .

Wood JG, Rogina B, Lavu1 S, Howitz K, Helfand SL, Tatar M, Sinclair D (2004). "Sirtuin activators mimic caloric restriction and delay aging in metazoans" (PDF). Nature 430 (7000): 686–9. doi : 10.1038/nature02789 . PMID   15254550 .